Our Catering Manager, Susan Brace has been with Fun Foundations since the very first day that we opened and her menu has evolved over the years, with the support from Public Health Dieticians from the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Parents can rest assured that children who attend our setting for a full day session will be reaching all of their nutritional goals for the day.
Susan’s dishes are colourful and inviting. Our meal times are a stimulation for the senses and a socially interactive experience. Children use these times to develop their independence skills through learning about personal hygiene, such as hand hygiene and serving their own foods and drinks (where developmentally appropriate).
Meal-times are a relaxed and enjoyable event; we help to encourage eating skills such as sitting at the table with a plate, knife, fork and spoon and often the staff will sit with the children to eat their lunch to model these skills.
Our bread is freshly baked daily and the children are frequently involved in the preparing, mixing and making of what we eat.
Susan is available to consult with parents about meal times and will provide recipes on request. We hold regular ‘Cooking with Su’ events at nursery, inviting parents in to cook one of the children’s favourite dishes with us. The children join us at the end of the session for everybody to eat together. We find that these events offer particular assistance to those children who are not so willing to try new foods at home.
Our range of experience has enabled us to cater for lots of special dietary requirements, including intolerances. We have successfully managed children with severe dairy, soy and nut allergies, Phenylketonuria, also called PKU and religious needs.
Water and fruit are served with every meal and accessible to children throughout the day.
Milk time is at 2 o’clock; full-cream is served to the 1-2 years and semi-skimmed is served to the over twos.
We also provide a selection of formula milk free of charge for children under one year.
For full details about milk, please click here.